In 1910, scientists David Starr Jordan and Charles Benedict
Davenport joined ranks with Americas’ northeastern elite (Harriman, Rockefeller
and Carnegie, to form the Eugenics Record Office (ERO) of the Cold Spring Harbor, NY Laboratory. The
stated goal of the ERO was to study human patterns of heredity in order to
eliminate the substandard or socially inadequate [Cook &Horn 2013).
Well about it?
In 1914, the ERO Report (Report of the Committee to Study
and to Report on the Best Practical means of Cutting Off the Defective
Germ-Plasm in the American Population), by H. H. Laughlin, was to determine a
means to uproot and remove defective germ-plasm from American inheritance

What does that mean for the social imagination? It may mean that the social imagination decides when to jump. If we apply this at the quantum level, we can understand that observation is part of determining what is happening. Should we continue to pursue studying human patterns of heredity because there is no accurate means to control and breed for the socially adequate? Maybe. I think best if we bring more sociologists into the 'harder' sciences since we know that social reality is all in the social imagination
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