Exploring the Social Imagination

Friday, February 19, 2021

The Mindlessness of the Unprincipled Social Imagination...

All societies, those that are recognized as a 'society', are based on stable social organization; the kind that works for the majority in the place where they are. Rather than disorganized to the point of chaos and collapse in the place where they are. 

Such stability and social organization needs ideal types in the social imagination. Quite often ideal types are put in place (allowed) by all the participating people as they suit the common good. Most often ideal types are charismatic, heroic and self-determined rather than not. They usually represent what most want to or should aspire to.

Now, many argue that perspective is out of date. Today, many argue that the rich or positioned elite create ideal types and sell them up for others to follow but that's not really true. The top cannot be effective unless the bottom goes along with it... either by force or by mutual agreement according to what is obvious even for the uneducated peasant. 

Sure, you can say or 'feel' that the top always wins because the bottom is ignorant or afraid; but an argument such as that is mistakenly presumed. Why or how? There is a natural order to things.

In sociology, that natural order of things including ideal types is based on the social dynamics of a group which are the necessary 'give and take' found in social interaction. They play the greatest role in any functioning society. Such dynamics exists within all groups, races, religions, and cultures... social actors that are naturally inclined to be either a charismatic dominant or subordinate dull type. Such social dynamics exist in all creatures great and small and serve a purpose... that of sustainability of the group in the place where they are. 

Out of social dynamics, the ideal type arises when needed to maintain stability and sustainability. If we consider evolution to be actual, then ideal types arise naturally among all biological evolving creatures and are stabilized or embedded into the evolving social structure because they serve a purpose which is for stable society and its continued growth. 

You can argue that not all people will agree with that sociological perspective. Since, they themselves may not find themselves or accept that they are either dominant or subordinate or respect ideal types put in place by the group.  In context of social pitfalls, those self excluding social actors were often considered deviant and treated as such by all other participating actors who did not self exclude.

Nonetheless, to better or fully understand the argument for stable society based on social dynamics and ideal types pitted against the mindless unprincipled individual social actor, we can and should look at sexual orientation. For example, recognized gender and its role for stable society. Some think gender is fluid. But, is that biologically true or even scientifically provable?

To arrive at what can be proved let's first consider what is gender fluidity and thus consider the arguments put forward by Michel Foucault. As a social constructionist, Foucault assumed that all of society is socially constructed and that includes sexual orientation.. in the social imagination.

While that might be true, even the social imagination needs stabilization perimeters... lest it falls into a state of mindless chaos and or mental social psychosis. Foucault, just did not seem to fully grasp that.

In Foucault's day, financial disparity was everywhere but that is still true today. Its not due to the bourgeoisie inasmuch as its a problem of rejecting foundational truths of social dynamics. For instance, Foucault wrote about the rise of the bourgeoisie and how they used/use their power dynamic to control society. I am not saying that is not true but it does serve a purpose.

Foucault wrote that there was indeed an effort by the bourgeoisie to control sexuality and how people talked about sexuality so that they could control all of society. 

He said that the bourgeoisie used 'science' to control people's sexual behavior and or preferences. They (the bourgeoisie) said things like, only a biological man and woman can reproduce. This so-called insight led Foucault to spend some time examining knowledge and power. 

Well, we can get into all kinds of arguments about what is power and what is knowledge and what is science. Just read my previous blog about science and the comments left below. The irony, in my view, regarding Foucault, is that the same 'logic' he used can be applied to the proletariat if they were in power.  

Let's go back to social dynamics of a stable society. Ideal types or just social norms exist and are accepted because they work positively in the place where they are. That means, from a bird's eye view, if being a gendered man by nature and a gendered woman by nature create more people naturally for the good of society, to build up society, creating a civilization in a place regardless of the good, bad and ugly, then that will be the norm as that is what works best for a group of people in the place where they are.

To Foucault, sexuality must be understood as a bourgeoisie invention that ensures dominance. Really? I guess so as many reprobates (unprincipled people led into corruption rather than sound doctrine) even today, still believe its purpose is to maintain power. But, again what is power in context of stable society especially in context of reproduction. If that wielded power is to ensure reproduction, then it is a good for society and most participating social actors will engage in that seeing for themselves the good in sexual reproduction and family roles that naturally flow from it. 

Now, if you still are not convinced that  'power' can be justified in that its use in society can create stability for the good of the many in society... then, let's consider the alternative being put forward by the reprobates. For the record, a reprobate is a mindless unprincipled person sadly dysfunctional within a framework of stable society. This mindless unprincipled person is bent on the corruption of the given norm or current shape of an existing stable society. 

The reprobate type is usually an isolated as in excluded individual (they can be either dominant or subordinate and usually the later) who thinks that his/her feelings matter more than what natures deems as truth. They fall out of either dynamic as they deviate from the norm of society at large.

So, let's start there. What if all of society was based on 'feelings' and not biology which is a science? If you recognize that biology is a science and that there are plenty of truths in biology, then you should have nothing to do with feelings. Oddly, Foucault aimed at suggesting that feelings have the biggest role in social constructs rather than biology, reason and or logic. If that is true, then he should not have had a problem with the bourgeoisie; after all, they have feelings too outside of logic and reason. 

Foucault should have been able to recognize the role of the bourgeoisie in stable society, even if they were themselves yet reprobate behind closed doors (many were and are), was necessary as long as they were/are promoting publicly the reason, logic and science; i.e. biology. 

Why would any power hungry bourgeoisie elite promote biological truths? Without them, society will fall apart because the natural role of reproduction will no longer be considered useful and or correct. That is opposite to the narrative of the reprobate... "well, that may be but I don't feel like a father or a mother". The children from such reprobate couples, if there are any, will see that a lie is being perpetuated for selfish reasons and not logical biological ones. 

What would society look like if it were up to feeling reprobates, (a harsh but necessary colorful word which is in the dictionary)? I suppose the left would say according to Foucault, society would be free to imagine whatever it wanted to be. 

Right now, there are so many 'sexual' orientations or 'genders' out there that one could spend a lifetime trying to understand them. So, let's say that in a reprobate society where the bourgeoisie are excluded that one of those sexual orientations becomes more popular than another as society tries to reorder itself and it will. Couldn't you imagine that the one outside of the scheme popularity would 'feel' excluded or rejected or worse - made to feel like a reprobate by other reprobates?

Now couldn't you imagine in the social imagination, a war rising up among all reprobates who feel they are right to feel the way they do over any other ideal type of reprobate? Many will say no because all they really want is to feel like they do. Well, what if a human being wanted to feel and act like a dog? Why not? But, keep in mind, dogs are by nature pack animals. Or, better yet, make the argument that if you are a dog and I am a dog... I think or I 'feel' my instincts are better than yours. Now, that would be a dog's rationale if I were a dog... but I am not.

When rational thought runs out... you better look out! Thankfully, for now, stable society is yet working based on the natural 'biological' order of things in the social imagination. However, we seem to be at a tipping point.

Foucault seems to miss the main thrust of his own ideology... if the bourgeoisie can be in control of sexuality, why couldn't or why wouldn't the proletariat do the same? How could they 'the reprobate' be more moral or just/fair than the bourgeoisie of any society ever were? 

Is there any hope for the reprobate? Well, that's up to society at large in terms of what is stable. And, what again is that? Stable society is when there is consensus about what works (sustainably/stably) for the majority in the place where they are.

1 COR 15:38-39 ~ God gives it a body as He has designed, and to each kind of seed He gives its own body. Not all flesh is the same: Men have one kind of flesh, animals have another, birds another, and fish another.…


Wednesday, February 17, 2021

All in the Name of SCIENCE ~ Part II, in the Social Imagination...

What is science? According to online definitions: its an intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment. Science came from Old French, meaning knowledge, learning, application, and a corpus of human knowledge. 

As far as we know, Aristotle is considered by many to be the first scientist, although the term postdates him by more than two millennia. In Greece in the fourth century BC, he pioneered the techniques of logic, observation, inquiry and demonstration. Its not enough though for just one man to make a claim about anything and expect everyone else to recognize it is an absolute truth. 

Why? Because, we live in a state of entropy and though one man may think he has the truth, it can only be supported. Indeed, even Aristotle had to have social agreement among his fellow intellectuals. Otherwise, whatever his 'truth' was, it too was subject to entropy which every child who has ever played the game of telephone understands. Yes, we can conclude that even a group of people in agreement are still subject to entropy and all things people think and or make.

The social reality which exists only in the social imagination requires agreement in order that we live a life in what we can call ordered or not chaotic. Agreement comes through social dynamics of interaction between social actors and in that exists mistake because man is not an all knowing entity nor can he be. All the things, in this fallen world, its state of entropy, cannot be known to us in any absolute certainty... just read Werner Heisenberg's uncertainty principle.

The uncertainty principle states a fundamental property of quantum systems and is not a statement about the observational success of current technology. It must be emphasized that measurement does not mean only a process in which a physicist-observer takes part, but rather any interaction between classical and quantum objects regardless of any observer.

Strange isn't it that people use 'science' as some absolute truth as if it is outside of man's imagination and outside of entropy. There is no science other than what men agree it is. Just reread the definition above... its an intellectual activity. But, it cannot be accepted or appreciated as any kind of intellectual let alone practical activity until others agree on it. How does agreement come about? 

Does everyone see and think the same about what they see/hear/taste and smell? No, but people can be swayed, moved, lured, enticed, and coerced according to the laws of social dynamics which only takes place in social interaction... in the social imagination!

Science does not exist outside of man's imagination and it does not exists outside of man's agreement which by the way exists only in his imagination. Therefore, what man calls science is not an omnipotent entity outside of man or an equation waiting to be realized, recognized, admired, agreed on and glorified.

There can be only one absolute truth which is not subject to this world's state of entropy and that is God's Word! His Kingdom is within. Its contained within a vessel that is though subject to entropy...it does not and will succumb to this fallen world for He has overcome it! ~ John 16:33. I would rather be in agreement with God's Word rather than in agreement with man's vain imagination.


*SOURCES ~ All included texts/paragraphs or definitions are from online sources... do the research yourself. For more so called science visit this link: https://sciencehook.com/2019/02/04/10-science-experiments-that-went-horribly-wrong/

Tuesday, February 9, 2021

All in the Name of 'SCIENCE'... in the Social Imagination!

Try to find out actual information these days using real number and real strategies regarding the current crisis. Its all very convoluted even coming from the mouths of experts. The FDA authorized clinical trails...authorized dosing and scheduling but they haven't put their stamp of approval on any of it!  One thing for sure... everyone is saying it - Its all in the name of SCIENCE!

Did you know that German scientists were required to put Nazi ideology into practice. The Nuremberg Law required the classification of all Germans as ‘Aryans’, ‘Full’ ‘Half’ or ‘Quarter Jew’. In cases of doubt, the Reich Kinship Bureau consulted scientists, many of whom were from the KWI for Anthropology, Human Genetics and Eugenics. Their judgement decided the fate of these people, and decisions were taken with scientific precision. 

Do you recognize today's interaction between science and politics? During the National Socialist era it was manifold. That's because, even prior to the throne of Adolf Hitler, German scientists contributed considerably to the rise of eugenics. During the war, many scientists were on expert advisory committees, directly feeding the system with scientific justification, many of them scientists from the KWS.
Thanks to such 'science', radical suggestions were made based on indications for the need of compulsory sterilisation of ‘morally feeble and other psychopaths’. Scientific regulations paved the way for the ‘law for the protection of German blood and German honour’ in 1935, the infamous Nuremberg Law, prohibiting marriage and extra-marital intercourse between Jews and German citizens.

In a research proposal to the Reich Research Council, a question was put forward as to what is important to safely and humanly antagonise counter-selective forces in the German society; and, what would enable research of the question... "which children can, already as children, be undoubtedly characterised as inferior and worth eliminating, so that they can be suggested for euthanasia?"

With this goal, there was initiated a collaboration with the University Hospital in Heidelberg, where Carl Schneider was conducting experiments to differentiate between inherited and acquired mental retardation. The patients, mainly children, were subjected to a series of examinations to investigate their learning abilities, and results were compared with the pathology of their brains after their murder.

 To Read more... go to ~ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1084095/

Do you know what science is? Its the collective workings in men's social imagination. What they think they observe and conclude is only through social agreement and even in their social agreement there are loop holes and disagreement about what is and what is not.  

Don't get me wrong, we need social agreement as that is where we must live... in social agreement. That is the only reality we can say is real to us. However, there is grave danger in that; as you just read above. Let us never forget this is a fallen world.

Hence, today's science is all but politicized just like the article above illustrates during the Nazi years. As it was then it is now... science must meet or be compatible with the agenda at hand. That is why, in the spring of 2020, lockdowns occurred nationwide, a phony election was run in Nov. and on Dec. 11, 2020, for emergency use (clinical trials) the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) authorized scheduled dosing of the Pfizer 'vaccine'... requiring two doses administered 17 days apart.

A second vaccine from the pharmaceutical company Moderna was granted the same conditional FDA approval Friday, Dec. 18.  The science of it seems so legitimate especially when institutions like Johns Hopkins Medicine anticipates it will soon receive a shipment of the Moderna vaccine for distribution. Heck, even Nazis had their prestigious institutions in line... [https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/news/articles/covid-19-vaccinations-begin-across-johns-hopkins-medicine].

Let me reiterate, the FDA has only authorized dosing and scheduling (clinical trials) but they haven't put their stamp of approval on any of it! Hence, its not mandatory. But, that's ok - Its all in the name of SCIENCE! Why? That's a good question, isn't it? One thing for sure, they give you a card with a number on it... because, you are on trial. What's the purpose of all this? Who is in and who is out in the new world order of things!

Tuesday, February 2, 2021

The Stealing of America in the Social Imagination of John Whitehead...


John W. Whitehead is an attorney and author who has written, debated and practiced widely in the area of constitutional law and human rights. Whitehead’s concern for the persecuted and oppressed led him, in 1982, to establish The Rutherford Institute, a nonprofit civil liberties and human rights organization whose international headquarters are located in Charlottesville, Virginia. 

Deeply committed to protecting the constitutional freedoms of every American and the integral human rights of all people, The Rutherford Institute has emerged as a prominent leader in the national dialogue on civil liberties and human rights and a formidable champion of the Constitution. Whitehead serves as the Institute’s president and spokesperson.

Some of you should know his book, The Stealing of America. It was published back in 1983. Basically, it describes what is happening in America today and blames Americans and especially American Christians for allowing America become reprobate and oppressive. 

Here is an excerpt- from pages 96-97 ~ The secular state will inevitable lead to authoritarian government in one form or another. Such a state has no absolute reference point. It is bound by no philosophy except one of its own making; it recognizes no right as absolute and no Creator as the father of rights,morality, or human dignity. With a relativistic philosophy, the secular state can do or declare anything and justify it on the basis that it is for the good of the people. 

The individual in such a society is at the mercy of the elite who control the state. Abortion or euthanasia can be characterized as beneficial on such shallow grounds as population control or the 'rights' of pregnant women. 

The secular state will operate without any restraint. It will not operate under the law. It is under no law except its own which can be altered arbitrarily to meet the  situation. 

In the past, the illegitimate state, whether based upon majority rule or complete dictatorial rule by one man or an elite, has claimed to be the absolute. This means that the state possesses total jurisdiction and power over the people. 

Moreover, such a state will claim it is under no one. The state is the great umbrella under which all things must fit, even the Creator or conceptions of him. 

Therefore, as we often hear today, it will claim to be secular and indifferent or neutral to religion. This claim is, of course, a fictitious one since neutrality toward religion is nonexistent. 

The secular state main desire is to have a purely secular state, it must be emphasized, is of relatively recent origin. In fact, throughout most of history the state has been the religious order of man and the central vehicle of his religious life. 

...Under the concept of the secular state, there is no appeal except to the state and its officials. There can be no appeal to the Creator as we have in the Declaration of Independence. The Creator becomes either subject to the whims of the state or is made irrelevant to the basic needs of man. 

The secular state denies the existence of the eternal, while at the same time the state will crown its leader in a kind of religious ceremony. Ironic isn't it or not? It appears that man likes religion when he devises and regulates it; and moreover, faith in it is strictly enforced to the point of imprisonment or even death. 

Why steal America?  Because, its a light in the dark for the rest of the world. A light that shines about liberty/freedom. Hard to believe there are such evil people who just don't want that light to shine for everyone. But it can shine for some, those in positions of power and wealth - the ruling elite. 

The ruling elite has the means to create a crisis which then requires their solution; all the while the average person is never told that the crisis was created. Why? Because, the crisis always advances control over man 'masses' thus destroying free thought, freedom of movement and so on... creating a prison system for everyone but them. 

Hence, anyone telling this truth is banned and censored or called a science denier. You see, according to them their socio-political/economic agenda (global world order) cannot be trumped by anyone or anything… and only their science is the ‘right’ science. It necessarily has to be. You can ask, "what drives such people to attempt to control the world and other people?" 

Well, its the fundamental anxiety that drives them as it does everyone... the fear of death. Given that, their agenda is not about saving the world or the earth for future generations; its about saving it for themselves once they figure out how to live forever. They have no savior but themselves and that is sad. And, sadder is that they are evil enough to lockdown and kill others to get what they want... eternal life here and now!