Try to find out actual information these days using real number and real strategies regarding the current crisis. Its all very convoluted even coming from the mouths of experts. The FDA authorized clinical trails...authorized dosing and scheduling but they haven't put their stamp of approval on any of it! One thing for sure... everyone is saying it - Its all in the name of SCIENCE!
Did you know that German scientists were required to put Nazi ideology into practice. The Nuremberg Law required the classification of all Germans as ‘Aryans’, ‘Full’ ‘Half’ or ‘Quarter Jew’. In cases of doubt, the Reich Kinship Bureau consulted scientists, many of whom were from the KWI for Anthropology, Human Genetics and Eugenics. Their judgement decided the fate of these people, and decisions were taken with scientific precision.
In a research proposal to the Reich Research Council, a question was put forward as to what is important to safely and humanly antagonise
counter-selective forces in the German society; and, what would enable research of the
question... "which children can, already as children, be undoubtedly
characterised as inferior and worth eliminating, so that they can be
suggested for euthanasia?"
With this goal, there was initiated a collaboration with the University Hospital in Heidelberg, where Carl Schneider was conducting experiments to differentiate between inherited and acquired mental retardation. The patients, mainly children, were subjected to a series of examinations to investigate their learning abilities, and results were compared with the pathology of their brains after their murder.
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Do you know what science is? Its the collective workings in men's social imagination. What they think they observe and conclude is only through social agreement and even in their social agreement there are loop holes and disagreement about what is and what is not.
Don't get me wrong, we need social agreement as that is where we must live... in social agreement. That is the only reality we can say is real to us. However, there is grave danger in that; as you just read above. Let us never forget this is a fallen world.
Hence, today's science is all but politicized just like the article above illustrates during the Nazi years. As it was then it is now... science must meet or be compatible with the agenda at hand. That is why, in the spring of 2020, lockdowns occurred nationwide, a phony election was run in Nov. and on Dec. 11, 2020, for emergency use (clinical trials) the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) authorized scheduled dosing of the Pfizer 'vaccine'... requiring two doses administered 17 days apart.
A second vaccine from the pharmaceutical company Moderna was
granted the same conditional FDA approval Friday, Dec. 18. The science of it seems so legitimate especially when institutions like Johns
Hopkins Medicine anticipates it will soon receive a shipment of the
Moderna vaccine for distribution. Heck, even Nazis had their prestigious institutions in line... [].
Let me reiterate, the FDA has only authorized dosing and scheduling (clinical trials) but they haven't put their stamp of approval on any of it! Hence, its not mandatory. But, that's ok - Its all in the name of SCIENCE! Why? That's a good question, isn't it? One thing for sure, they give you a card with a number on it... because, you are on trial. What's the purpose of all this? Who is in and who is out in the new world order of things!
on trial just like a nice beagle...