Exploring the Social Imagination

Thursday, June 21, 2018

A World Without Borders in the Social Imagination....

Is it possible? Not in the human social imagination...Why?

Because, in order to be recognized as a human being who lives in a place experiencing life: living and working, sharing, loving, laughing, striving, grieving etc. one has to have borders; even in the social imagination. Those borders cause identity: who you are and are not.

People create borders to better moderate their circle of friends, their facebook page and in general their life. They set limits, guidelines, rules and goals. Now, if a person 'individual' does that what about a group of people? Do they create borders in the same way as a group? You bet they do. Is that fair? Its fair to them as they see it being fair. They see it defining who they are and are not and what they want to achieve as a group and they see 'safety in defined numbers'; necessary safety for their family, friends, community and even for their own best interests.

Do people cross borders set by others? Sure they do all the time. Why is that? Because, they want to be in a different place. They choose to be in a different place. They want to be in a different place and they want to be like those people in that place. They see greater safety, greater opportunity and they see a better identity in that place.

Should they follow the rules and or laws of the group/place that they want to integrate into? Sure, because after all they chose to be like them. And, it is to their benefit to know and follow the rules and laws as it will enable their successful integration.

But of course, some non-thinkers, will spout "Can't there just be no borders" as in no rules or laws for integration or assimilation? How could that be let alone work I would say in response? How could one even know who they are and are not or where they are and where they are going without borders? Even those necessary borders in the social imagination which compose who you are and are not; after all, isn't' that where borders begin?

Wouldn't all culture and cultural data be lost? Wouldn't all languages become one and wouldn't all ideas become gray and pointless? Think about it... In order for culture to exist, and for various languages to be spoken and for interesting ideas to be imagined, there has to be differences in the social imagination of groups/societies/countries. So, we accept and or agree that means this thing is not that and this works better here for that reason and this is who I am and that is who you are and I am not.

A world without borders, I can't imagine Not seeing a different face/person on the face of the earth, can you? There is variety because there are borders!

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Bumping Around in the Social Imagination...

Is the social imagination morphing into a hopeless bumping around collective mentality?  It seems so... How is that possible? Technology is replacing our livelihood and sense of place. And, moreover, it is changing the meaning of individual lives and families. 

Technology is largely controlled by the power elites who through global top down entities and their implemented systems control work; and thus, control the money. What will the social imagination be able to do?

It will conform as best it can... people will be bumping around. They will live with no permanent sense of place or partner or family because there is no job that can support a home, a spouse or family.

To better grasp how this will come to be, we can look to the past. The communism of the past century is the best and nearest example. Everyone was socialized to care... socially engineered to care - to care about the State. The propaganda used was aimed to get everyone on board with the State. Once it appeared that everyone was cared about the State, then everything else that matter to them became secondary or discarded. Essentially, people had 'equality' but only to the extent that everyone had little to own, little to do and little to care about... Sure, they appeared to look busy, have a life... but people were just bumping around.

Again, the first modus operandi is to get people to love or 'care about' the State because it cares about you and then you can love 'care about' others because they love 'care about' the state as much as you.  Once those at the top see that you care about the State (the), they start a propaganda to get you to collaborate with them to remove caring about anything else that might get you to not care about them and that means to watch out for those who might not be so caring about the State.
In the future of the coming global communism, there is already a call for neo-humanism. The new caring mode of being and all controlled by the new 'State' of social media directed from the top down. There won't be the kind of intimacy between people as we know it now (quickly fading) and there won't be concern for gender of any kind. 

There won't be any skilled labor or specialization either since that will be taken over by elites and their robots. People will be bumping around passing small courier packages, hard copy information like official notices, fines/tickets, medical waste and body parts, food delivery, and also some small human comforts to be exchanged along the way. 

People will sleep where they end up at the end of the day (no more individual housing), they will share their day with strangers but they won't be strangers really... just people like them doing the same kind of work: bumping around and not caring about it.  There won't be anything to really care about since everyone has been made the same. Evgeny Zamyatin wrote book about this called "WE"!

And, I just so happen to have a copy...it helps me to keep tabs on developing events...