Exploring the Social Imagination

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

All in the Name of SCIENCE ~ Part II, in the Social Imagination...

What is science? According to online definitions: its an intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment. Science came from Old French, meaning knowledge, learning, application, and a corpus of human knowledge. 

As far as we know, Aristotle is considered by many to be the first scientist, although the term postdates him by more than two millennia. In Greece in the fourth century BC, he pioneered the techniques of logic, observation, inquiry and demonstration. Its not enough though for just one man to make a claim about anything and expect everyone else to recognize it is an absolute truth. 

Why? Because, we live in a state of entropy and though one man may think he has the truth, it can only be supported. Indeed, even Aristotle had to have social agreement among his fellow intellectuals. Otherwise, whatever his 'truth' was, it too was subject to entropy which every child who has ever played the game of telephone understands. Yes, we can conclude that even a group of people in agreement are still subject to entropy and all things people think and or make.

The social reality which exists only in the social imagination requires agreement in order that we live a life in what we can call ordered or not chaotic. Agreement comes through social dynamics of interaction between social actors and in that exists mistake because man is not an all knowing entity nor can he be. All the things, in this fallen world, its state of entropy, cannot be known to us in any absolute certainty... just read Werner Heisenberg's uncertainty principle.

The uncertainty principle states a fundamental property of quantum systems and is not a statement about the observational success of current technology. It must be emphasized that measurement does not mean only a process in which a physicist-observer takes part, but rather any interaction between classical and quantum objects regardless of any observer.

Strange isn't it that people use 'science' as some absolute truth as if it is outside of man's imagination and outside of entropy. There is no science other than what men agree it is. Just reread the definition above... its an intellectual activity. But, it cannot be accepted or appreciated as any kind of intellectual let alone practical activity until others agree on it. How does agreement come about? 

Does everyone see and think the same about what they see/hear/taste and smell? No, but people can be swayed, moved, lured, enticed, and coerced according to the laws of social dynamics which only takes place in social interaction... in the social imagination!

Science does not exist outside of man's imagination and it does not exists outside of man's agreement which by the way exists only in his imagination. Therefore, what man calls science is not an omnipotent entity outside of man or an equation waiting to be realized, recognized, admired, agreed on and glorified.

There can be only one absolute truth which is not subject to this world's state of entropy and that is God's Word! His Kingdom is within. Its contained within a vessel that is though subject to entropy...it does not and will succumb to this fallen world for He has overcome it! ~ John 16:33. I would rather be in agreement with God's Word rather than in agreement with man's vain imagination.


*SOURCES ~ All included texts/paragraphs or definitions are from online sources... do the research yourself. For more so called science visit this link: https://sciencehook.com/2019/02/04/10-science-experiments-that-went-horribly-wrong/


  1. What about math? Math is the only idea in the universe that isn't a social construct. It doesn't require any agreement simply because it is always the same and always right. Mathematics makes our life orderly and prevents chaos. Certain qualities that are nurtured by mathematics are power of reasoning, creativity, abstract or spatial thinking, critical thinking, problem-solving ability and even effective communication skills. God invented math... not man. Man only discovered it. So, when the math doesn't add up... its not Math.

  2. Math is always correct. However, the problem is that we set the rules for math and those rules do not always follow God's order which most call - nature or natural order. Why? because man, oddly enough, and inasmuch as man says he believes in evolution, sees himself outside of nature... in fact, over and above it. God's creation, what some call nature is not bound by our infallible systems that we call math. This is the problem we have with and between math and science.

  3. Moreover, mathematics is absolute truth only to the extent that the axioms allow it to be absolutely true, and we can never know if the axioms themselves are true, because unlike theorems which can be proved using previous theorems or axioms, axioms rest on the validity of human observation.
