According to feminism the so-called
“oppression” of women comes from the Patriarchy, the female conspiracy theory
that says that human culture has been and continues to be dominated by men who
privilege themselves at the expense of women. Feminists claim “The Patriarchy” is systemic, universal, and crucial to feminism
and evolved from ancient times.

Women have always been
female as in having consistent identity (consistent visual attributes) and consistent function as in consistently able to use
their attributes to bear children, breast feed them and nurture them; in this
way and at the same time, be a supportive partner as well as contributing member
of the community in all societies.
There is no domination in that.
There is equilibrium attained through differences; whereby opposing attributes and opposing function sustain and have sustained mankind. Sociologists have long observed that in all societies and all social relationship/interactions
there are enabled necessary social dynamics – subordination and domination.
These social dynamics represent the necessary give and take between social actors
or particles (metaphorically speaking) that come fundamentally exist in a
designed universe which from time to time come together as in collide to create
either positive or negative outcomes but that depends on what is positive and
Which get the value? At the particle
level as well as with social actors in the social arena what is positive and
what is negative depend on the identity of each and their function in the
designed universe. Both have necessary function because of necessary identity
which is necessary in order to function in their necessary orbits and or sphere
of interaction.
Is it positive when value is taken
from one thing and given to another to create a false sense of equality? Is it
negative when value is given to one in order to reduce the value of another so
that equality is achieved? It is the state of equilibrium through entanglement that
satisfies. Where equilibrium resides is where both positive and negative have enough
of what they are as particles or social actors as identifiable as to what they
are and are not; yet, both also have the potential to be more than they are in
their orbit thereby avoiding entropy, collapse of the system.
Has one been ignored in the designed
universe in their social interaction? Has one been less interactive, less
necessary? I think not. Both have over the course of what we call time have
been interactive and necessary. There is no oppression in that. There is only equilibrium!
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