Exploring the Social Imagination

Monday, November 9, 2015

The Freedom to Serve or not to Serve ~ Free to Choose and Be Saved!

In a free market, the social imagination works most effectively. How? It means that it has the most accessible opportunities available that would allow it to fulfill its natural desire which is to understand itself in a wider context while remaining within its own established and necessary boundaries. The social imagination works like any computer program which means that information gets written in an original version and in that has original perimeters. Hence, once a program has been written it is not easy to upgrade or update as certain functions in those upgrades may or may not be compatible with the original version. Does this mean the program should be deleted? Not unless you want to reboot without it and see what happens.

What does any of that have to do with the title of today's post - Freedom to serve or not to serve? Such a metaphor provides a background for people's decisions. All programs have a purpose and they work together in a fluid medium that is tangible and yet with intangible interfacing. Which means that there is meaning that lies behind what is tangible that is not tangible. In such an awesome 'free will' program we have the liberty to serve the creator of the program or not. We have the freedom to serve anyone or anything in the program or not to serve it. Each program that recognizes the creator understands the commands given by the creator. Don't we all know that everything is permissible but not everything is beneficial.

There are commands that are necessary to obey if the program wants to be saved. Yet, there is the freedom even in that, to be saved. A program can interpret the command and act upon it. Does that mean each program overrides the command through interpretation. No, it means that each program which has written on its hardware 'in its heart' understands the command completely and yet still having free will can choose to obey or not. This is something like quantum programming. The social imagination is a kind of giant quantum program. We only understand what we are as a program 'person' in a social context. We can make choices that we think are completely are own but they are socially acquired in the early processing of socialization - the writing of what can be called the original version. That is why everything is permissible but not everything is beneficial. One could make the argument that programs get corrupt. Yes, you can read the Bible and in Genesis that this is what happened to an original program.

Therefore, we could suppose that every program in its wider program 'the social imagination' is now acting in a corrupt version.  And, still in that corruption we could suppose the freedom to serve exists. Does that supposition change the freedom to serve? Perhaps, one could make the argument that the commands are corrupt or our interpreting them. Even in that case, the creator of the program can send in an upgrade which draws to itself what can be saved. In that programming sense, the original program can be rebooted. Assuming an upgrade or patch did enter in and draw the program back to the creator, we can certainly argue that the freedom to serve has not change. This applies to the wider program, 'the social imagination', in which all smaller operations 'programs' dwell. If the upgrade 'patch' was/is accepted, the freedom to serve remains and also that means the freedom to not serve remains.

What can be and is problematic for the wider program is when the smaller operations 'programs' doubt that  the 'patch' upgrade has entered in which can result in operations 'all individual programs' which compose the wider program to come into conflict with one another. Was this expected by the creator and the upgrade - patch? As we are drawn to the creator, (for corrupt programs would not seek the creator) the freedom to chose and serve is ours. That means in our social imagination we can choose to serve or not to. In embracing the creator, we no longer dwell in corruption nor seek it; but seek to be saved in our social imagination through continual relationship with 'Creator' and through His Word given to us by Him. In serving Him, we serve each other as well . Embracing that service, we cannot serve ourselves;especially serve the flesh. Because, the Creator who is not flesh but Spirit to be served by the spirit 'freely' in us.

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