How then to go about improving education? Many think that the Rasch Model. As I wrote, Georg Rasch promoted psychometrics which is a field of study concerned with the theory and technique of psychological measurement. One part of the field is concerned with the objective measurement of skills and knowledge, abilities, attitudes,personality traits, and educational achievement. Rasch was interested thus in the calculation of social imagination. That sounds witty but it is not wise. Numbers produce results no doubt about that. But, they do not reflect the true nature of the social imagination.
My argument was that though like Rasch, psychometric researchers have concerned themselves with the construction and validation of assessment instruments such as questionnaires, tests, raters' judgments, and personality tests to understand the human mind, the human social imagination. I wrote then and repeat here "Oh, how they deny themselves the true intimate nature and understanding of the workings of the social imagination".
How can that be bad? It is because the key requirement of the Rasch model is embodied within the formal structure. Consequently, the Rasch model is a method of assessment that looks at how the assessment should be changed to meet the requirement of what is being studied. This sets up a false idea of what the naturally occurring data is. It presumes that the data is like 'that' or 'this'. We have to only set up proper assessment in order to see the data we presume to be there or want to achieve.
I cannot imagine how that will improve education. When I wrote my doctoral dissertation, I was fascinated with and wrote strongly about the social imagination and how it actually works. The phenomenon of the mind in a tangible body reaching out into a sphere of information configurations and locating meaning.

Children today are limited in this experience. They spend too much time indoors and in front of screens which they cannot reach into and touch.
Young minds need this experience and through that they grow their mind.
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