This is food discrimination and it is the last frontier that the progressive social imagination has yet to address. Why? Maybe because they can't imagine eating soda crackers. Or, it is in the making and just taking the longest as it is the final and yet most vital to close up in terms of 'free' social imagination.

Such a thing as food discrimination does not seem likely as you look around, what do you see? Foodies, millennials blogging or pinning pictures of food that either they just like to look at and or eat but never cook. Why? because, they are socially setting themselves apart. It is interesting because they are not really into cooking since largely they don't know how to cook. But that is because of the idea that cooking is a lower menial task which was introduced into their social imagination by modern women/mothers who were told that such tasks like cooking was a kind of slavery that their male counterparts put upon them.
Sadly, many people have no social imagination that cooking and eating is an important social activity. I am not talking about going to the restaurant and eating or having your food special catered in as the social glue that holds people together in their social imagination. I am talking about the selfless act of cooking, and eating 'sharing' at home, which is the core or 'main frame/server' for a positively 'freely' functioning social imagination. In doing this, you are more apt to share with others who you see do the same.
Today, I observe that people want and even long for the kind of social imagination experience that cooking and sharing and eating food together as a group 'family' offers. In their longing, we see the choice for cooking and sharing and eating healthy but in the form of pinning and blogging about food by 'foodies' because this is a way to get what they long for but do not know how to do it other than through social media; which they see as the fair platform. Yet, they discriminate through choice, even in pinning.
Ironically, as they are made aware of this kind of discrimination , it will be that awareness of food discrimination that will bring about a major change.
In a world without borders, where family or 'home' will no longer be the main frame, the top down drivers will have to consider how to control food as well as the pinning and blogging of it as they the control food, the kind of food that everyone gets to eat so that there is no food discrimination; not blogged, and not pinned Only what everyone has that is the same can be eaten.

ps. A world without borders will be a place where everyone's health will be the same with everyone eating the little green pill; after all, going green is the agenda.
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