Exploring the Social Imagination

Thursday, October 5, 2023

"YouTube" ~ The Best Practice of Social Captial Theory in the Social Imagination...


 Social capital in structural dimension refers to relationships, networks, associations, and institutions that link people and groups (Coleman 1988). Structural social capital can be measured by the analysis of linkages and network density (Bourdieu 1986). 

If you are not familiar with the term social capital, then let me inform you.The term social capital refers to a positive product of human interaction. The positive outcome may be tangible or intangible and may include favors, useful information, innovative ideas, and future opportunities. Social capital is not held by an individual, but instead appears in the potential between social network connections between individuals - [https://www.investopedia.com/terms/s/socialcapital.asp].

According to Online Britannica, social capital involves the potential of individuals to secure benefits and invent solutions to problems through membership in social networks. Social capital revolves around three dimensions: interconnected networks of relationships between individuals and groups (social ties or social participation), levels of trust that characterize these ties, and resources or benefits that are both gained and transferred by virtue of social ties and social participation.

A high degree of trust among network participants fosters a sense of mutual obligation and permits them to be more effective in pursuing shared objectives. Social participation may take place in political, civil, or religious arenas or even in the workplace - [https://www.britannica.com/topic/social-capital].

This sounds really fantastic, incredible. In fact, if we look at such social interaction as not only highly positive but truly creative; especially, if we compare what we humans already do to 'programmed' Ai. Moreover, what we just read sounds like humans are quite capable of self-determination, self-government, self-management not only in terms of the individual but also the group. Why do we need any kind of controls? Doesn't social capital suggest that participation in social capital is self and group regulating? Indeed... 

Let's consider YouTube in this respect. Everyone on earth must surely know of or heard of YouTube. There are all kinds of channels; educational, informative, instructive as well as entertaining, relaxing, inspiring and so on. Channels created by individuals from all over the world. Channels that truly represent social capital theory. YouTube, is its own global reality and for the most part, all those things listed: education, informative, instructive, entertaining, relaxing, inspiriting etc. So, why are channel creators being mobbed, shutdown and or demonetized? 

Some people (those who own or represent certain platforms of political/corporate entities) argue that content creators (YouTubers) deliver false information and use this social media to disseminate conspiracy. One should ask, based on the very fact that social capital theory and its actual practice as in functional purpose has 'built in' measures as to what is good info and what is bad; filtered in terms of profitable use and or capital outcome for those who participate. It has its own 'built in' invisible hand an expression coined by Adam Smith. 

We need to ask, who is concerned about so-called 'bad information'? Because, as I see it, people use only what works for them in the place where they are... even if that place is worldwide or just around the corner. Its a viable thing to capitalize on what works and YouTube has freed individuals worldwide to capitalize on what works for them. Therefore, it should be of more concern that someone or a group of someone (s) don't like that 'working' application. Who are they?

They are power elites and they are controllers... they want total control. The power elites are people with money, power and prestige. They are corporate rulers, investors, global bullies, fascist politicians, military industrialists and even some who appear to be rational, wise experts within academia that secretly lust for prestige and or position. 

Human beings generally can manage themselves until they build up government or establish any top down form of organization (including the entertainment biz) into a beast system that creates and caters to power elites... why/how? 

Because, all human beings are fallen creatures who will do bad things when given over to greedy and reprobate minds...they will seek their own good first. Ironically, they stand out in their behavior and are even encouraged to climb to the top of the heap. They are applauded to do so as they appear charming, charismatic, good looking and or ambitious. 

The means to take over practically handed to them. But, just as ironic as their ability to take over, is our practical ability to control them through social media. Understand, they still need the majority of users for support of their fortunes, their prestige, power and position. So, those who speak out on social media (you/me) can practically reign them in and control them. 

This is what they don't like...   the truth in our hands!

PS... Some of the most popular YouTube Channels are creating celebrities of their own because they are incredibly interesting and entertaining without vulgarity. Why/how? They are better scripted and edited by smart, talented individuals; I dare say, they are even better than the so called entertainment biz puts out.

1 comment :

  1. Of course, there are people who abuse YouTube and create false information. But, intelligent people, and even those with enough common sense can smell false information a mile away. How? Because, false information is given out like 'hard' candy. Its pretty 'hard' to swallow but because its pretty... it tastes good. For example, those who start from apologizing are probably false content creators because they either don't have good information or they don't have the ability to make good inference. They 'hashtag' their apology by saying that they could be wrong so do your own research. And, there are those who say they got their intel from a known source that they cannot reveal. They say things that sound wise but are actually circular... they are likely plants inserted by the power elites because the power elites demand control from the top down. Grass roots, local knowledge is being replaced by 'sod o mights' !
