Exploring the Social Imagination

Thursday, October 19, 2023

Addendum... Man and Technology in the Social Imagination!


What baffles me today, in Sociology dept. (s) across the country and even worldwide with their so-called experts and or mouth pieces, is that we find way to much discussion about what already doesn't matter. Its a dead poets society...

Today's colleges/universities talk way to much about what can best described as self-obsessed vanity. What? Yes, they do! They are dead poets and don't know it. They are too concerned with gender studies (been there done that), racism, (been there done that), immigration (been there done that), economy and society (been there done that). I say let's get off the dirt road that we have all been down time and time again... and get on the highway to the future!

Technology, that's where we its at, that's where we should be. Technology, eventually, is going to eliminate gender, race, immigration, politics and economics as we know it. We should be talking about technology and how technology will and is already changing the world, let alone humanity. 

Sadly, instead we are obsessed with gender identity... Oh, the poor soul who thinks they are either a man or woman even though born with the evidence to prove that they are either one or the other.Whether they know it or not, the elites don't give a ... what you think you are.

Those that are promoting transhumanism and AI see the end of gender and the evolution of a new form of human. This means that sociology is lagging behind the momentum of technological changes planned for the human race. If sociology wants to be relevant then its time to leave behind ancient ideas of class/gender conflict and neo-Marxist ramblings. 

We need to be discussing the physio-cultural changes being thrust upon our species which will radically alter our civilization in ways far beyond tired old political ideologies and what they have imagined, most of which are relics of the 19th century. 

Its the work of sociologists to lead these discussions and make our society aware of the great questions that stand before us as this tidal wave of technological revolution hits all of our lives. An example of such issues that need to be discussed is the loss of the means of making a living to artificial intelligence and robotics. 

What will we do with millions of unemployed purposeless individuals - now unable support themselves let alone a family? In what ways will we have to create new forms of government and economics to prevent a complete collapse of the human race on Earth? Issues of class gender, race, economics (money as we understand it) and lastly, immigration as it happens today (individuals crossing a river/border)... all are meaningless in this new world order social imagination.


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