Exploring the Social Imagination

Thursday, November 4, 2021

The SnowBall Effect in the Duped Social Imagination...


The Snowball Effect

Was cv one niner just a really bad flu hyped up or even a super fake out in order to test the people of the world to see just how much they can be manipulated and or controlled by a man-made crown of thorns with a spike protein?

Maybe, it never was more than a ‘flu’ (Many people infected with the coronavirus do NOT feel sick or have only MILD symptoms: https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/conditions-and diseases/coronavirus/coronavirus-disease-2019-vs-the-flu), or a fluke flu as in novel and so it seemed like a useful (not too serious) weapon to build a worldwide controlled political system and market…

If we look at it as a marketing tool it certainly had a snowball effect, desired or not, it worked. It worked so well that even Big Pharma was amazed at what it could do.

So, if that were true, then why the vax? To ensure control forever… booster after booster. After all, a hyped-up flu should not loose its momentum and dissipate! So, with a vax Big Pharma is reaping it for all its worth.

But, didn’t people really get sick and didn't some die? Sure, but that is not new news. People die every day from one thing or another and they die from complications of bad flu viruses; especially, if they don't take care of their health or they have a weakened immune system or have other serious illness that is ongoing.

FYI, there are fatalities every year from the ‘flu’ and that was true before this ‘flu’. Statistically, deaths from this ‘flu’ have been holding steady at 2% worldwide and that’s an incredibly low percentage given the total susceptible population. So, its no joke. But, its no population extinction level v either.

There are too many strange coincidences, loop holes and truths that counter and support the agenda at hand and yet not enough data and evidence for those at the top to declare and execute a totalitarian war on those being attacked by this circulating crown.  

So, the snowball effect rolls on. The charade 'deception' kept going… the idea now is not to let the snowball slow down. After all, the elites and their so-called experts would stand to lose a lot of money and face in the game.

But what if it was actually a bio-weapon that our so-called experts were able to contain knowing its genetic makeup?  And, who let this weapon out? Well, maybe it was a targeted assault by some disgruntled eastern European or Asian boss; but what does it really matter now since so many (elites) have benefited and continue to do so?

Let’s return to the notion that this was a pretty bad flu virus and it snowballed. As it rolled along everyone at the top made out so what’s the big deal, right? People should and are asking... How could that be true in a country of decent people, how could that have happened in health conscious countries? 

Well, the world we live in is a world of deception and innocent people can be duped into thinking that what they are actually experiencing is either worse than it is or not. Its how the ball rolls that counts... especially, in terms of who gains favor from its rollout.

We could wonder if capitalist countries were targeted given the climate for socialism. After all, third world countries don’t seem to have had a big problem with the v. And, its interesting how developed countries got carried away so quickly. But then, we are pretty gullible whenever someone points to 'science' as the truth teller. 

They yell... "doesn’t the science tell us it was more than a really bad flu and that its hard for the experts to say where it came from and why?" Folks, scientists, experts and  politicians are just people. And, their 'science' is not above any of them.

I recently read a blog by an enlightened young man named ~Ayodeji Awosika. Here is a summation of what he had to say about how people can be so easily duped. 

    Did you know that there are ten lies that society loves to tell us? One of them is that things are going to get better and another one is that science is God. Did you know that most of the science used to back policy decisions or simply to control the narrative isn’t real science? It’s scientism, the appearance of science. Real science can and should be dissected, refuted, and questioned to death before it is accepted.

    Science doesn’t tell you what to do. This idea that science has an opinion on what you should do, isn’t science at all. It’s up to us to make those decisions. Man uses man-made tools/equipment and man-made methods to try to figure out what life is all about and man calls that science. But, hey… its what we got to work with, right? If it works, its only because a group of so and so man-made experts agree and they agree because it means power and position for them.

    That’s why, every time I see someone on social media sharing an article that says “A study shows…” I want to gag. This isn’t to say you should reject all studies; but there’s this idea that if you don’t work for or stand with an organization that has an acronym, you don’t get to have an opinion.

    Have you ever encountered someone who tries to cavalierly throw the word science at you, without explaining the underlying science, to bully you into agreeing with them? If yes, then you’re not talking to a smart person. Sadly, science has often been turned into a propaganda tool to push certain narratives.

    Narratives… at this point, if you don’t understand that the mainstream media is fake, I’m not sure how else it can be properly explained. Again, it’s not about erroneous reporting of facts. It’s about lies and spin on some truths, i.e. the flu kills over 60k every year. Now, exaggerate that and you come up with pandemic.

    There’s just no incentive for the people at the top to be honest with you. Doesn’t that seem obvious? Hopefully, people are finally starting to wake up as trust in institutions is reaching an all-time low.

    Still, far too many people take what they’re being told at face value for no reason other than the fact it comes from an ‘authority’. This is due to authority bias — the tendency to simply believe someone because they have power.

    No mandate can save lives and no policy can create purpose and meaning in your life. Nobody can hand you your freedom and flexibility. In fact, your reliance on others creates an inverse correlation to freedom.

    All the lies from society coalesce into this huge lie that you don’t know how to manage your own life. The powers that be try very hard every day to convince you to outsource all of your thinking, agency, and responsibility to them.


 What Does “A Snowball Effect” Mean? When Can We Use It?

*Online Source ~ http://ayotheauthor.com/10-lies-society-loves-tell-us/


~ Afterward... Can millions and maybe billions of people be duped?  Sure, all people can  fall for a big lie and the bigger the lie, the easier it is to believe it. People everywhere are after all... human.



  1. If you have a fever, cough or other symptoms, you might have COVID-19. Again, according to the CDC, most people have mild illness and are able to recover at home without medical care. The CDC recommends to take care of yourself. Get rest and stay hydrated. Take over-the-counter medicines, such as acetaminophen, to help you feel better.[https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/if-you-are-sick/steps-when-sick.html]

  2. For we live by faith, not by sight ~ 2 COR 5:7.
