Exploring the Social Imagination

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Get Woke, Go Broke ... in the Social Imagination!



What is going woke? Going woke is an agenda run by academic elites funded by globalists whose goal is to deconstruct what once was consider normal human society... in order to usher in a non-normal and or unnatural world order; whereby all humanity is loosely associated through pop-trends in the arts, sports, sexual freedom and identity especially with regard to rejecting former concepts of belonging as in a nation/nationalism.

And why would you or anyone go broke? Well, everyone is going to go broke because deconstruction breaks down not only social norms but also economic norms which fund social norms so that social stability is maintained. The new world order doesn't need that normality... it wants a new norm and its already being built. Did you see the Olympics?

    According to Wikipedia, Go woke, go broke, or alternatively get woke, go broke, is an American political catchphrase used by some political pundits to refer to the actual or perceived stock value drops or loss in sales ("going broke") of companies or corporations that publicly support progressive causes, such as the empowering of women, LGBT people and critical race theory (termed as going woke by its opponents).

As much as that is true... again, we need to consider how social norms (of the past) relied on economic norms (of the past) for social stability to be sustained in a place over time, a long time. If that changes, the risk of loss is great for American interests all around.

American interests were once justified at home and abroad before wokism. How? American interests at home and abroad were once strongly supported/backed by social norms whereby the people expected their borders and families to be protected. In order that their normal lives moved along from generation to generation.

    One of the University of Pennsylvania’s largest donors, former Utah Governor Jon Huntsman Jr., announced that the university would never receive another dime from him or his family due to what he described as an “almost unrecognizable” shift away from American interests... [https://budget.house.gov/imo/media/doc/go_woke_go_broke1.pdf].

The question is can we do anything about it?  Even though Huntsman Jr. has taken a righteous stand, many won't. They will go along to get along even if it means to go broke; hoping that they will be given a position of prestige perhaps in order to hang on to whatever they think they have earned through pretentious virtue signaling. 

Someone said, you won't own anything and like it...

After thought... 

Sadly, what is at stake with this so - called woke culture is that it is the destroyer of a culture... one founded on liberty. And even sadder, at the end of the day, they won't even know what they lost. In fact, they still may think they are free! A bird in a gilded cage...

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