Exploring the Social Imagination

Monday, September 4, 2023

Communism ~ Forced Communal Collaboration does NOT work in the Social Imagination ...


One should be fairly warned... 

Communists are expected to surrender their own personal interests when they are in conflict with those of the Communist Party. The State is above everything regardless of all outcome (good/bad). No one can take credit for good outcome and no one better say it was a bad outcome. Communism has been found to NOT foster good work ethics.

The reason for failure in work ethics and motivation is the necessity that all communists must be employed in order to save the face of the State. Overmanning positions trivializes the work needed to be performed and places the concentration on quantity rather than quality. Therefore, Communism in practice appears to counteract the goal of making society better through communal collaboration.



COMMENTARY: There has for years been a fascination with communism as well as a hatred. The later does not require explanation but the fascination does.  Firstly, it can be observed that ordinary people such as the working class, the uneducated and the generational or even situational poor can become easily fascinated with communism by a charismatic leader. As well as those who continue to fall through the cracks of mainstream society largely out of their own bad choices which includes the situational 'better off' (born white i.e.) as seek to lay blame on all others for their bad choices.

Then, there are the intelligentsia or academics; and, not surprisingly, they often include the limousine socialist who is fascinated with communism out of guilt over their own prestige and position being in upper echelons and or have generational wealth.... hence, the virtual signalers.

And, lastly, the most dangerous group to be fascinated with communism is the political and military elite whose backgrounds are not always from the rich or educated... This group is solely in love with power and might. Be warned... they are those who force communism.

Has communism ever worked? According to the above Standford U article listed above... NO, not really. I certainly don't see any society living in a communist utopia. Unless, they are forced to do so and so say. When an ideology is forced down people's throats and here we must acknowledge who is doing the forcing... it never lasts. Now, some may argue that it benefits the poor even if they don't know it. Indeed, though they can be fascinated and encouraged to engage in it and even follow along with it (given the propaganda rhetoric continues) if promised the utopia they imagine. 

When would communal collaboration ever work? When people who have a self-interest or vested interest to do so... that happens when people (recognized as individuals) have the freedom to make the free choice (not made to by force of gun/prison or even law) to share their wealth and prosperity because they have some to share. 

There is nothing new under the sun...

1 comment :

  1. Solomon wrote in Ecclesiastes that everything is meaningless... that's not true. He in all his wisdom just missed the point. Even a poetic rant has meaning ;-)
