What does it mean to be political social imagination? According to an online definition, it means to be "a political person who is active in party political, or a person holding or seeking an elected office in government. Politicians propose, support, reject and create laws that govern the land and by an extension of its people. Broadly speaking, a politicians can be anyone who seeks to gain political power in a government."
What is a political hack in the social imagination? According to Wikipedia, "Political hack", also called partisan hack, is a pejorative term describing a person who is more supporting to a particular party than what is ethically right. The term "hired gun" is often used in tandem to further describe the moral bankruptcy of the "hack". When a group of "political hacks" of a similar political affiliation get together, they are sometimes called a "political hack pack." When one side of a debate has more "political hacks" than the other, this is referred to as a "hack gap" and gives an advantage to the side with more "political hacks".
We must take note that this term, political hack, is a person that supports a particular party more than what is 'considered' (by who?) ethically right. In such context, we must also consider who or what is it to be ethically right?
Those are good questions. The given definitions above suggest that there is some Ai or all authoritative human guru over and above everyone who is clearly deciding what is ethically right.
Even so, one has to consider what or who is ethically right these days. I don't think its morally or ethically right to stand for abortion let alone have one no matter what the circumstances.
According to online descriptions, both morality and ethics loosely have to do with distinguishing the difference between “good and bad” or “right and wrong.”
Many people think of morality as something that's personal and normative, whereas ethics is the standards of “good and bad” distinguished by a certain community or social setting.
Sounds logical but whose 'certain' community or which social setting are we talking about so that this term can be aptly applied... Mmm???
I have heard sweet, kind, decent old ladies tell me that they are either a republican or democrat and they swear by their own volition that they are ethically and even morally right because they know that they support the right party.
This world is a fallen world and the social imagination that we exist in must also be framed by such rhetoric. We do the best we can in this yet fallen world and believe me, most people think that they are. They just don't know that the road to hell is paved with their good intentions.
So, if you think about it, you probably are a political hack of some kind or in one way or another... aren't you? I don't blame you; after all, its a fallen world.
Given that truth, I suggest you get on board with the only truth! Join me in suffering, like a good soldier of Christ Jesus. A soldier refrains from entangling himself in civilian affairs, in order to please the one who enlisted him ~ 2 Timothy 2:3-4.
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