One 2013 study showed conservative brains tend to have more activity in their right amygdalas when they're taking risks than liberals do.
What does that say about conservatives? A conservative is a decisive individual. Trusting in their judgement probably is life saving... now, you may ask and should what determines or propagates a liberal amygdala?
To understand this, one might look to how liberals are raised. Some studies show that those who identify as a liberal democrat were raised in daycare while their mothers were away at work outside the home. A CAL Berkley study says that such children are free and open whereas conservatives rather run to structure than to free experimentation ...as real learning.
A conservative does have a tendency to run to structure rather than experimental 'free wheeling' unstructured ‘play’ and or life styles. And, because of that, we certainly can assume that children learn more in a structured setting rather than by rejecting a structured setting.
Studies have shown that conservatives have more structured and persistent cognitive
styles and they are more likely to believe they can control their own behavior. Conservatives overall feel they have greater
meaning and purpose in life and greater satisfaction in life having been raised in closed social circles like the family.
Studies of children raised in such circles (family) are more calm and trust in their own self control; whereas, children raised in unstructured open circles rather than in a family have less self control. And strangely, liberals think this is a problem for all society to share in. In this mentality, they think they have more empathy for people that make bad decisions as they too make bad decisions.
The child that lives a structured life runs to structured play or a structured settings rather than unstructured play which exhibits real learning; and, such a child will grow up stable rather than free wheeling and blaming others for their bad choices.
The child that runs to structure will have better risk evaluation skills than others? Why? Because, they sought the right answer from the start; a good vantage point or point of departure. What looks safe, sounds safe is probably is safe... and thus, is likely safer than running amuck.
To prove that we can look at another study which consistently found conservatives (or right-wingers) are happier than liberals (or left-wingers). This ideological gap in happiness is not accounted for by demographic differences or by differences in cognitive style. They did find, however, that the rationalization of inequality which is a core component of conservative ideology and that helps to explain why conservatives are, on average, happier than liberals.
What exactly is that core component in conservative ideology? Its the notion of structure and cost effectiveness. The person who can better assess a situation in terms of cost effectiveness makes the better call. The cost being in discipline (punishment for misbehavior) and real money expenditure (paying for bad behavior/choices).
Whereas the liberal, expects and or makes others pay for their bad choices and inability to make good choices which they also blame on others... and now you can see where that comes from- Daycare; where thirty children are looking for their safe harbor - mommy. Growing up without mommy rather than with an effective conservative mother at home is just bad for society at large.
The conservative is also realistic and practical. The conservative is rational and thinks they are right most of the time... but they also suppose they could be wrong. Really? Yes, because being conservative always means being cost effective. A conservative doesn't want to be wrong and have to pay for the error (or be punished) all of which they take serious into consideration. Therefore, they look for the best possible outcome.
Whereas, the liberal lets the outcome happen and figures the means justifies the end. Its all good and all is right because it is what it is whatever the cost and if you don't agree you're unfeeling and probably a hater. Their justification is that they are feeling people rather than rational which is definitely more connected to emotional dysfunction... another aspect of daycare syndrome.
Lib Dem rant... "I want what I want... my mommy"! That's not a bad thing... its what they should have gotten when they needed her and the world would be a better 'conservative' place for all of us... rational, less fearful and living in peace; oh, and let's not forget quiet.
Now, that's WOKE!
*Online Sources~ https://www.businessinsider.com/psychological-differences-between-conservatives-and-liberals-2018-2#a-conservative-brain-is-more-active-in-different-areas-than-a-liberal-one-2
Well said!!!