Exploring the Social Imagination

Saturday, September 4, 2021

Karl Popper's Piecemeal Social Engineering in the Social Imagination...

Looking at the previous post about Karl Popper's take on science (especially theories...*see previous blog post) one might question my take on social reality... which is that the social imagination creates all social reality...that its just a theory. Nonetheless, I must stand at that position because, basically, we live in our head using information in an exchange of information.

Now, I also posit that all information has an absolute source or point of departure... the Creator of all information. Given we live in a fallen world, the information we have has been/is corrupted or lost in the exchange as with the game of telephone. 

Again, one might even argue that my take on social reality is a theory. But you can't prove I am wrong since I insist that all reality exists in your mind; effectively, we are a combination of information as each social actor is alone but also not alone. 

Thus, the sun is a star only because the math we agree on exists in our minds. Though, no one has ever been to the sun. And, that doesn't really matter as long as we agree its a star. The brain is machine for the occupation of the mind and the mind's translation of what a 'prick' means depends on the context its given in... just sayin.

Nonetheless, to ensure my position regarding the social reality in the social imagination let's look at Karl Popper's view of achieving ideal society... which has everything to do with piecemeal social engineering and which by the way, I wrote my PhD dissertation on (not on Popper but on ideal society).

In The Poverty of Historicism (1957), the philosopher Sir Karl Popper criticized communist and fascist attempts to foretell the future, and argued that the holistic social experiments based on these theories were doomed to failure, because the course of human history is strongly influenced by the growth of knowledge, and we cannot (rationally or scientifically) predict the future growth of scientific knowledge. 

Rather, by analogy with the central role of piecemeal experiments in the sciences, he argues that the only form of social engineering that can be rationally justified is one which is small-scale, incremental, and continuously amended in the light of experience. 

The crucial point about this approach is that it is based on trial and error rather than a prior historicist vision; or, as Popper puts it, ‘we make progress if, and only if, we are prepared to learn from our mistakes: to recognize our errors and to utilize them critically instead of persevering in them dogmatically’. Piecemeal social engineering is, therefore, nothing less than the introduction of (Popper's conception of) scientific methods into planning and politics ~ https://www.oxfordreference.com/view/10.1093/oi/authority.20110803100326471

The piecemeal approach makes sense doesn't it? Isn't that the agenda today? It sure is. It starts with the community organizer employed in or even volunteering in your community, your neighborhood as well as the smiling municipal authority and all the way up to the top of the heap. The key here as always is agreement and those that use piecemeal know that... hence, its by trial and error recognition among the subjects of the piecemeal experiment. Sure it takes time, its incremental; but, the goal is worth it... a social engineered utopia.  

Well you say, weren't the communists trying to do that and the fascists too? Yes, but their strategy was/is quite a bit more radical and everyone could see or know who was at the helm. With piecemeal, people can't point any one person and so won't they know what hit them... its like slowly boiling a frog. In fact, the people themselves will eventually think they came up with it. Its a slow kind of manipulation or a kind of controlled sensory integration. 

... to vax or not to vax?

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