Exploring the Social Imagination

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

History, the Mandela Effect and Time Travel in the Social Imagination...

What about history, the Mandela Effect and time travel in the Social Imagination? Is there some strange connection or disconnection? Well, history is based on what has been written down, recorded and agreed on, right? Yes and No. 

Yes, because the winner, or those that control the information, write the history. No, because... history is based on what people remember about an event, (eye witness accounts are subject to perception/position) get others to agree with them and then its written down as 'the' history. 

And, when the so called 'facts' are given whether by word of mouth, book, or speech... its still about what we remember and here is where the Mandela Effect interferes. And, yes... you can say that we can check the facts... but sometimes, the facts have been Mandela (ed). How? Because, its still a game of telephone. Pass the information along and hope it gets through the way it was given. 

Only math remains pretty much outside of such dispersal, pretty much outside of man's inherent disposition for error. Nonetheless, we must live and if some amount of chaos exists then let it be acceptable chaos. However, doubt runs along side. So, when in doubt... fact check. 

When fact checking is required and that seems pretty much all the time, the process is based on an agreed upon framework, historical account. But, that's still shared information which is subject to flaws. How? One has to check the sources of information and check the sources provided as sources of information. 

What does any of that have to do with time travel? First, is time travel possible? I have to say Yes and No. Yes, because time though relative, we use it, we move through it. Yes, time is just as good a dimension as space because we're always moving through it. But, make no mistake, time, as we know it, is one dimensional. It exists as a linear line and contributes a single dimension to our conscious experience of three dimensions.

That's probably why Kurt Gödel's vision of time is not a physical dimension of space through which one could travel into the past or future. And, even if we could... which past or future would we travel to given our above discussion which states that history is subject to the entropic universe and well, that's probably why we have Mandela Effects. Moreover, all information in such a universe is subject to decay because its just information in a downward spiraling program. Just like in the game of telephone.

Now, what I can say and do is imagine that time travel is possible because I know that I really exist/live in the social imagination. The place where all social reality exists as I know it and suppose you know it as long as we are on the same page. If I wanted to control all the information in the world, I imagine that by rewriting history, changing what people remember, changing the social imagination, the social reality. 

What is really interesting about that, is how the Mandela Effect still creeps in. Whether I imagine it or not, I have to remember at all times how I remember something in order to travel back in 'time'. Now, when it comes to the future, its more open to possibilities. After all, everyone day dreams and those dreams can be pretty real. Now, if you live in your hopes/dreams... they can affect the present and also how you remember the past. And, that in your mind can change everything in the social imagination.

It can be kind of dangerous when you think about it... especially the hierarchy of social reality, society as in group of information entities with which we share information in a place over time. Dangerous how? What we imagine, remember, agree on, adhere to and change up has an effect on us and those around us including those even living far from us as in on the other side of the world. 

We might even change our perceptions and or views about others in this world just by time traveling in the social imagination. When it gets written down or just circulated on YouTube... problems in our wider social imagination social reality as in paradoxes, inconsistencies, contradictions, can arise. 

So, what's really going on is anyone's guess... right? Well, that may or may not be true depending on your social imagination. But, there must be something... some thread of truth, some real history, right?

Yes, there is! 

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever ~ Hebrews 13:8.

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