Exploring the Social Imagination

Saturday, June 12, 2021

Diatribes in the Social Imagination...

No, a diatribe is not a tribe in the Amazon but I am sure you can find plenty of books on liberal or conservative diatribes on Amazon...   

Diatribe ~ A verbal onslaught... 

Diatribe in a sentence ~ The man's diatribe brought shame and embarrassment to his family. The presidential candidate made a diatribe against the opposing party, causing there to be even more anger between the parties.

Diatribes are used to criticize someone, an idea, or something. They are aggressively and sarcastically worded often having a tone of violence. They can be written down but are mostly verbal. 

Diatribes are used to point out failures, weaknesses, inaccuracies, and other negatives about a subject. Its incredible to think that someone can 'go off' on someone else simply because of their choice in food, restaurants, choice in music, in lifestyles, clothing, friends, political party affiliations, beliefs, and just plain ideas that someone suggests and someone else doesn't like very much. 

Sometimes, especially if the diatribe is particularly harsh, its critique may not be helpful but will rather leave a very big impact in the meaning that people won't forget it. Now, consider that diatribes can thus be a weapon, a tool, a strategy to get something done, to get you to do what they want, to steer people in another direction,.. etc. 

If that is the case, we can observe this everywhere and especially as we look to the mainstream media and other places/institutions as well. Can we observe this as we look at Hollywood and Washington? Yes, we can! And, now you see what I mean or what I am getting at. Just when you thought your guy/gal was delivering the 'righteous' diatribe. Darn!

Why would a diatribe be used as a tool in conversation as in the art of persuasion? Well, isn't it obvious? Isn't that the virtual signaler? Yeah... Do they get you do think the way they want you think, to behave and to act the way they want? Yes, they do if you are gullible as in the type to be so easily fooled. 

Who has been the best at this art of diatribing? Some say that loud mouth from that other party and some say that new enchantress in this party.  Some say its a combination of voices diatribing in unison like a flock of seagulls or crows for a better nuisance. 

What is their agenda? To get you on board with their tribe... so you can learn to speak good diatribe right along with them. Folks... Do not put your trust in mortal man who cannot save ~ Psalm 118:17. Why? Because, in a fallen world, fallen men spin nonsense and so "a dog will return to its own vomit"... Proverbs 26:11. 

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