Exploring the Social Imagination

Monday, April 19, 2021

What is Communism in the Social Imagination...?

, political and economic doctrine that aims to replace private property and a profit-based economy with public ownership and communal control of at least the major means of production (e.g., mines, mills, and factories) and the natural resources of a society.

The primary point of difference between capitalism and communism is regarding the ownership of 'means of production' or resources in general. Communism shuns private/individual ownership of land or any vital resources. ... On the other hand, capitalism believes in private ownership of land and means of production.

Today, you can hear people touting communism. Why? Because, they don't really know what it is or what it means. They have been led to believe that its a fair and just system where everyone gets along and where everyone gets what they want when they want it. But, even if that last part was more like... gets what they want when they deserve it according to their work for the State, the promoters of this ideology would naively think that's fair and just. What such people don't recognize is that man is a fallen creature and his fallen nature is not to work for anyone but him/herself. 

As for the good of society, well, they like to make it look like they are working for the good of society but they are working for themselves so that the State will continue to raise them up... not the peon, the one that really should benefit. And even if they had a government job pushing papers that say you will get what you want ... they do it so that they get what they want first which is power to control your life. You've seen how the communist loves to virtue signal, haven't you?

Effectively, in communist theory and practice, the welfare of society is above individual welfare. It sounds good but if you don't appear to be useful or good for society at large, THE STATE, then you must be the problem and you must be corrected if possible. That means, the government runs your life. They make decisions for you and everyone else. The STATE must be sovereign in this or else. That is the communist idea of fairness ...yes, really.

Communism is an ideology that thinks man has created the right system (communism) for everyone and it should be the ultimate goal for humankind. Most people have no or little knowledge of this truth. Thus, they often confuse it with the softer or gentler ism... socialism. But what is socialism? Its a kind of blend of capitalism and communism. There is more government control over people's lives but not total control as it must be with communism.  

In the communist system, the government is responsible for all decisions; whereas, the system of capitalism leaves the decisions and regulation more or less to the private sector. The main goal of communism is an equal outcome for the whole society; that means you get a pair of shoes on the same day everyone else does. The main objective of capitalist is to offer equal opportunities. And, out of that comes more opportunities to get a pair of shoes any day of the week. 

Historically, most of the communist systems have been led by a one- party state with the function as a supervisory economic body that controls most aspects of people’s lives. This fact is probably one reason too, that capitalism had a more long term success. Capitalism works with and for democracy. Yes, really! Because, people have a vested interest in the place where they are/find themselves living and working. 

In that place, people naturally want to have a say in what happens to their life, their children's lives and to their vested interest - property i.e. So, they get involved in their community... its called grass roots democracy. It is driven by free elections that lead to the restriction of government’s actual power over the individual and their power to interfer in private lives. 

Out of this lack of government control/restrictions comes more freedom as in civil liberties... a kind of reward for having a vested interest in the place where you are and live. The very idea of being a free individual, able to make decisions for yourself is a basic human need.

Because of that need, you are encouraged to participate in self-governance (as is everyone else around you) and you do so recognizing your civil liberties that allow you and everyone else to freely conduct commerce and engage in conservation freely in order to protect your interests; and since everyone is able to have vested interests in the place where they are, no matter how big or small, there is a greater tendency to flourish, to be positive and prosperous. 

In case you didn't know, the freedom of speech sits right beside the right for security which is probably the most prominent human basic need. If you didn't have free speech, you could never make a case to protect your life let alone your vested interests.

Because of these valuable basic human needs, the advantages of capitalism has led to worldwide success. The consumer’s choice is free and individual. This freedom of choice led to an increasing competition, which further led to better quality of life and enhanced services. 

Ah... but for you communist dolts... you will end up eating each other... just look at the history of communist societies. They devour each other because there isn't anything else to look forward to...


  1. In communism, people don't feel secure and or protected by the government. Why? Because, the government 'State' is the boogie man. Its watching you making sure you don't discredit the State or start a revolution against it. So, why would the State protect you. The State is more valuable than 'your' life.

  2. Also, the greatest misnomer is that all people want to be rich and living in mansions or have two cars and two houses and a trip to Disney World. Some people don't want those things, some people are happier with one car, one house and a camper by a lake. People have different ideas, different styles, different tastes. A communist country cannot offer that. It can only offer everything gray, the sameness of communist equality.

  3. From atheists out there and sadly the undecided...I often hear, no one can trust anyone including gov and so don't expect anything and you won't get hurt, just believe in yourself.
    But, you will get hurt in a communist gov, because the State doesn't believe in you, it believes in itself which is an overarching controlling beast. For them, believing in yourself sounds like you can be your own savior but you can't... just ask any remnant from the Soviet era or today' NK. Believing in yourself is actually the desire for God which is built into every human heart. Anyone who believes in themselves can because they believe in something greater than themself... this is their source of truth and strength to really believe in themself. If they don't, they really aren't human, or created in God's image but in the image of the beast.
