Exploring the Social Imagination

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Bababa... Herd Mentality in the Social Imagination

Well, if you have been following along, we have been discussing propaganda and subliminal messaging in the social imagination. Today, we will look at Herd Mentality. What is that? 

Herd mentality (also known as mob mentality) describes a behavior in which people act the same way or adopt similar behaviors as the people around them — often ignoring their own feelings in the process. Think of a sheep blindly following the flock no matter where they go just because that’s what the herd is doing. And this isn’t just pseudoscience: There have been peer-reviewed psychological studies conducted on the subject.

In 2008, Professor Jens Krause and Dr. John Dyer of Leeds University conducted an experiment where groups of subjects were told to walk in a random path inside of a big hall while not communicating with the other subjects. However, the researchers told a few of the subjects exactly where they should walk.

Guess what happened? They discovered that the people who were told exactly where to walk started being followed by the subjects walking “randomly.”

From Professor Krause: We’ve all been in situations where we get swept along by the crowd. But what’s interesting about this research is that our participants ended up making a consensus decision despite the fact that they weren’t allowed to talk or gesture to one another. In most cases the participants didn’t realise they were being led by others.

In the end, they found that it took just 5% of people walking confidently to influence 95% of the other walkers to follow them. Looking around, you’ll see examples of this type of behavior everywhere; for one example consider Black Friday Shopping. You should ask, what makes people into feral monkeys ready to step on each other’s neck for a flat screen TV.

Another example of herd mentality happens at large sport events or rock concerts and more simply the opening day at the newest grocery store offering huge deals like buy three and get one free. It may even be at the local ice cream shop with the same deal, people will crowd and push to get in line. More recently and alarming is the 'sky is falling' pandemic which had everyone rushing out to buy toilet paper. 

As a sociologist, not a biologist, not a microbiologist, I speak from a different perspective - the social scientist. In case you are not aware, there are a number of people in positions of power who have enormous wealth and influence. Now, some don't have enormous wealth but they do have positions of prestige (at research institutes/universities/boards and even Congress; i.e.) which equals influence. These people like their positions of influence and their power and their wealth.

Their social imagination is quite different from yours and mine. They imagine a world that doesn't' have much to do with you at all. They might say it does but since this is a fallen world, that is not true. They look out for themselves unless they see an advantage in sharing or virtual signaling. You see, the heart is deceitful beyond all things in a fallen world. 

Not surprisingly, these people who want to herd you are often educated people and or they have learned to get ahead usually on the backs of other people's oversights, mistakes or misfortune or lack of talent and ability... 

Oh, indeed they do think that what they are doing is the right thing to do; its for everyone's good. They are very imaginative at making things appear as if you need that or should do that or expect that. And, they will even lead you to think that you should side with them, support them, favor them and help them to make a better world. They can even make you SICK or sicker than you ever imagined.

But, it isn't that easy to do. They apply what they learned and they use herd mentality to get the job done... because, it works. Why is that? Are we just cattle or sheep? Some people are. And, some are not. It depends on the level of education and or experience in society a person has and the scope of their social imagination. 

Most of all, it depends on how you spend your money. What you value and what are you afraid of. Since, most people are afraid of dying... Well, the bar is open and drinks are on the house. Why such a generous offer? Cause in the end, they get what they want, not what you want.

*What do you want... life??? Of course, and eternal life would be the best. There is only one go to, one absolute source/provider, the Creator of all life ~ Jesus Christ. 



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