Exploring the Social Imagination

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Agreement reality in the Social Imagination...

Agreement reality is not just thinking something is real because someone told you so... Its arrived at perception of a thing through social interaction (social dynamics of give and take) and that leads us to agreement (man is inclined toward resolve by nature of the entropic universe) and it becomes 'real' to us. The process is much deeper and wide spreading over time. Keep in mind, once agreement happens, its form is subject to decay. Only a constant agreement process keeps reality going. Its a necessary constant in the social imagination. How/why?

Agreement reality has its thread of dissemination via communication always starts the same way for every living creature including mankind and that is with the very first immediate social contact; with mother. Her social information package and sense of security and or stability in society matters a great deal. The kind of information she imparts tells you (provides you with information) about the basic construct into which you were born.

That information contains good, bad and ugly information because this world is in a state of entropy. Every mother has embedded in her such information. That is why/how the information you get becomes information that you necessarily trust or distrust and accept as true or not.  If a baby senses it can’t trust its mother for safety, warmth, love and nourishment as a basic truth… it will take that distrust or lack of positive sustaining information (untruth) with it and use it as a baseline in society; unless, of course, other information ‘truth’ is interjected and overcomes the lack of positive information issued earlier. 

Now, what is truth? The first truth is our humanity, a created being.  How was our birth possible, how were you created? In the ‘more’ traditional or natural biological way, it means that a ‘baby’ child is the result of copulation between a male and female. Thus, this in itself becomes a basic truth of our being, as in the very foundation of our human existence. This is understood as a complementing union ... one that produces fruit. It is not a union of conflicting protocol or conflicting intercourse that produces no good thing in and of itself. 

The second truth is found and crystallized in shared and or learned information in a place over time. Now, the more we regard shared/learned information as ‘the truth’ is due to the fact that appears to be if not the most then certainly more positive and sustaining us in the place where we are. That is why no culture will ever disagree with such information...like the sun is a star and it sustains life on earth. 

We 'socially' imagine that we have an idea of some kind of truths in our lives, acquired through information given us (by ‘mother/father’ - parents) or shared and learned in a place over time as having positive benefits and or sustainability. Thus, they become both real for us. And, though we have a few things worldwide that everyone can agree on, we are still not fully in agreement. For not all things appear the same to everyone. Yet, what we can all agree on the sun being a star because its is at least one truly apparent truth in any place. And, the only other truth that is equal to that is that we live in an entropic universe. 

Therefore, no matter who you are and are not, not all information you receive at the beginning nor throughout your life is always or in anyway 100% free of decay …as in mis/disinformation. Even that which we call ‘science’ or evidence that something exists as it was or is… means only that a group of people somewhere or everywhere agreed that it is and it is just this – information that has a certain amount of realness about it having been experienced positively and continuously… sustaining us and life around us as we think/imagine it is which is all piled into agreement reality. 

Now, why is that men strive to find or have as in possess truth or a quality of realness in their lives? Why do they strive to agree on anything and or fight to get people to agree with them? Those are good questions. Oddly, I don’t find too many people talking about that in sociology or psychology. There is more talk about gender identity. But, there is more interesting discussion about agreement reality and truth within computer programming and especially when it pertains to Ai. 

Does such discussion lean toward the idea that we ‘mankind’ are some kind of organic computing entity, designed to be in agreement with each other so that the program does not succumb to total corruption ‘takeover’ and or chaos? It seems that way, doesn't it? 

Would it be necessary for the designed computing entity ‘mankind’ to recognize an upgrade if interjected in order that it has a means of escape through a default mode or the ability to accept the authority of the upgrade in order to override total disagreement  as in total chaos? Perhaps, we should even say 'resurrected' from disagreement/chaos upon accepting the saving ‘compatibility’ upgrade as the one and only original default mode directive/command? 

I think so… give the command to save me! "Be my rock of refuge, where I can always go. Give the command to save me, for You are my rock and my fortress" ~ Psalm 71:3.

1 comment :

  1. Colossians 1:16-17~ For in Him all things were created, things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities. All things were created through Him and for Him. He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together.
