Exploring the Social Imagination

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

What will the Future Look Like in View of the Social Imagination?

AI is all around us. It's in machines, robots and even our smartphones. You'll find voice assistants such as Siri, Alexa and Google Assistant already in your phone and they are already going some way to proving just how far AI has already come. AI could eventually find its way into things like robot servants, writing our news, or even replacing customer service reps.

Let's just hope they don't take over the world! And, more than likely they will at least to a greater extent that we can socially imagine. Thanks to artificial intelligence. So, what will become of the human being? Well, it will either get on board with AI (integrate) or be made obsolete. What kind of jobs, families, lives will exist in the future? Nothing like we know them to be today that's for sure.

Here is a short list of what is on the very near horizon...
1- 5G up to 7G sooner than we think
2-Driverless cars and trucks also sooner than we think
3-Robots in the workplace and at home sooner than we think
4-Virtual Reality/Gesture based computing and cloud gaming
5-AI home appliances that monitor your life and health and well being
6-Exoskeletons/Robot Soldiers and Nanobots Technology including Swarms

What are you telling/teaching your children about the future? Is their current education preparing them for this kind of future? Not likely... Why is that? Because, inasmuch as this could be seen as the coming utopia for everyone... it will be only for a chosen few. Who? Those who fit the bill, walk the walk and talk the talk which is that God does not exist... only the Ubermensch (coined by Friedrich Nietzsche) which was meant to be an ideal future human and an ultimate goal for humanity.

*Online Source:  https://www.pocket-lint.com/gadgets/news/142027-tech-innovations-that-will-shortly-change-the-world?fbclid=IwAR33j0hq3jPzibDsL7s5X46l4y83lgQpHOM2GBdKSBrbUY89XVACnGbHtZU

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