Exploring the Social Imagination

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Meaning, Agreement Reality and Boundaries in the Social Imagination!

There is no other reality other than the meaning we gain from our social interaction in the place we were born, live and work. That is because, such a place offers us 'agreement'. We agree that where we are is who we are or at least where we come from. Boundaries give us identity and meaning.

It is meaning that comes from being together and meaning that comes together in our social imagination as an agreed upon picture which we call reality. Our social interactions are grounded in such a place through interaction in a place. Such meaning starts in our mother's womb. It moves out from there as our point of departure grounded in a common among us/agreed on social reality.

Yes, the place we were born and raised is the very beginning of meaning in our social imagination. That kind of meaning that gets written in as a default mode program. Over time in a place, we grow in our social imagination in a place. That growth can be deemed as good, bad and even ugly in terms of information shared in a place and not shared. What is good, bad or ugly comes out of experience in a place and the information shared in a place. It all has meaning.

What the world means, the universe, the cosmos and its creation all come to us in the same way - social interaction; shared information in a place. Information is passed on from one to another, from generation to the next generation. Sometimes, it appears that things have changed but its really that people in the place they are agree that doing this or that can be done differently. Even if it is just slightly different and that is likely the case. But, always agreed on less chaos or discontent ensues.

We can only find ourselves as human beings, people, society, and individuals in the same place through agreement as to who we are in that place, what borders we tolerate both physical and social psychological. We can understand abstract concepts like: justice, liberty/freedom and democracy.  And, we 'people' have traditions, customs, celebrated holidays and religions that solidify them in the place where they are.

Meaning is applied in all those aspects of the social imagination. In the US, what it means to have private property is not the same as it is elsewhere. In some countries, a person has what is called the 'right/freedom to roam'. Here in America, roaming around is frowned on. We have the right to access public parks (State/Federal) but even then we cannot just walk in or walk about doing whatever we want.

We know that in order for this country to function, people have to work and pay taxes. It means something to the American. Working and paying taxes means being a citizen in a very special place with boundaries and such boundaries are supported by law. Its such law that enables a citizen to work/pay taxes and own property.

For anyone to say that boundaries don't matter, they better think again because more than likely that person operates within boundaries either drawn up by themselves or by the place in which they live.

"From one man he made all the nations, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he marked out their appointed times in history and the boundaries of their lands" ~ NIV Acts 17:26.

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