Exploring the Social Imagination

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Contrariness in the Social Imagination, really?

Contrary behavior means deliberately doing the opposite of what others routinely or conventionally do.  The question is why do that? Is it a form of deviant behavior? Is it a strategy to win favor for one's own agenda? Does it serve a social purpose? Yes and no. Before, we answer those questions, let us look at a society in which contrary behavior was a kind of 'norm' or served a purpose for the society.

Contrary was a member of a Native North American tribal group who adopted behavior that was deliberately the opposite of other tribal members. The Contraries were found among the historical Amerindian tribes of the Great Plains. They were a small number of individuals loosely organized into a cult that was devoted to the practice of contrary behavior.

The Contraries are related, in part, to the clown organizations of the Plains Indians, as well as to Plains military societies that contained reverse warriors. The Lakota word heyoka, which translates as clown or opposites, serves as a collective title for these institutionalized forms of contrary behavior of the Plains Indians. When Lakota Indians first saw European clowns, they identified them with their own term for clowns, heyoka.

The Contraries of the Plains Indians were individuals committed to an extraordinary life-style in which they did the opposite of what others normally do. They thus turned all social conventions into their opposites. This behavior was not just tolerated but we must imagine encouraged in some and not in others.
Maybe there were some who in the group/tribe who exhibited contrary behavior (deviated from the norm) and it was encouraged as a means of sustainability rather than to allow it to be destructive for the social group.

Especially, when we consider that the social role of the Plains Indian clowns was ceremonial since they performed primarily during rituals, dances and feasts. Unlike the clowns, the special role of the Contraries was not restricted to brief performances, rituals or the warpath. It was their everyday life. The Contraries of the Plains Indians were known to be not only unique but also historically unprecedented.

We can and should ask if we can observe this 'contrariness' in today's post-modern Judeo-Christian Roman/Greek political society? And, if we can observe it, why does it exist or is tolerated?  Aren't we here in the 21st century mostly critical thinkers, free of religion? If yes, who would be contrary to that and why? Likely, we leave that up to the psychologist or psyche-analyst.  Let's first consider what is critical thinking, as the kind of thinking common among us.

The critical habit of thought, if usual in society, will pervade all its mores, because it is a way of taking up the problems of life. Men educated in it cannot be stampeded by stump orators; hence they are slow to believe. They can hold things as possible or probable in all degrees, without certainty and without pain. They can wait for evidence and weigh evidence, uninfluenced by the emphasis or confidence with which assertions are made on one side or the other. They can resist appeals to their dearest prejudices and all kinds of cajolery. Education in the critical faculty is the only education of which it can be truly said that it makes good citizens. ~ William Graham Sumner 1906                                                                                                                                                                 
We can probably agree that critical society is a community of people who value critical thinking and value those who practice it.  It is a society continually improving and its most distinguishing feature or characteristic is its emphasis on thinking as the key to the emancipation of the mind, to the creation of just practices, to the preservation and development of the species.

Unfortunately there are no critical societies in the world.  Nor have there ever been.  The idea represents an ideal not yet achieved, a possibility not yet actualized.  There is no culture on earth where critical thought is characteristic of everyday personal and social life.

On the contrary, the world is filled with superficiality, prejudice, bias, distortions, lies, deception, manipulation, short sightedness, close-mindedness, righteousness, hypocrisy, on and on, in every culture in every country throughout the world.  These problems in thinking lead to untold negative implications - fear, anxiety, sadness, hopelessness, pain, suffering, injustices of every imaginable kind.

Perhaps, social media and news media, can be thought of as the implementation of the contrarian social weapon. When you hear/read the news no matter what your preferred source is... isn't it a kind of coping mechanism in that you hope that whatever you hear and read is contrary to your feelings and or opinions and this helps you to cope when they are and especially are not.

Perhaps, the Plains Indians Contrarians were used to combat: fear, anxiety, sadness, hopelessness, pain, suffering, and injustices of every imaginable kind within their society. But, you should ask where is the agreement reality in that? Well, if you agree I can be contrary, and I agree you can be... there it is; I suppose. Maybe the purpose of being contrary is served in the vast landscape of the social imagination simply because 'critical thought' does not exist in the social imagination. And, thus everyone appears to be contrary. How could we be critical of the social imagination? Especially, in a fallen state as this social reality is since the Fall... exactly.

However, in agreement we can be and must be about only one thing - the Creator; and, in that there is no criticism. Among those who have such foundation, it is understood that people can agree only because there is an absolute point of departure (being) in the social imagination. Now, whether we agree on it or not does not matter as much as the fact that there is such even without having to agree. For sure, there are two different endings for those in that agreement reality and those who are not.

*Sources ~ Wikipedia [search Contrary]

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

The Problem of Imagining a Multiverse in the Social Imagination...

Professor Paul Davies logic against the multiverse...“If you take seriously the theory of all possible universes, including all possible variations,” Davies said, “at least some of them must have intelligent civilizations with enough computing power to simulate entire fake worlds. Simulated universes are much cheaper to make than the real thing, and so the number of fake universes would proliferate and vastly outnumber the real ones. And assuming we’re just typical observers, then we’re overwhelmingly likely to find ourselves in a fake universe, not a real one.”

So far it’s the normal argument. 

Then Davies makes his move. He claims that because the theoretical existence of multiple universes is based on the laws of physics in our universe, if this universe is simulated, then its laws of physics are also simulated, which would mean that this universe’s physics is a fake.

Therefore, Davies reasoned, "We cannot use the argument that the physics in our universe lead to multiple universes, because it would also lead to fake universes with fake physics" That undermines the whole argument that fundamental physicals generates multiple universes, because the reasoning collapses in circularity. Davies concluded, “While multiple universes seem almost inevitable given our understanding of the Big Bang, using them to explain all existence is a dangerous, slippery slope, leading to apparently absurd conclusions.”

Davies’ reductio ad absurdum is a devastating one: the multiverse undercuts the basis of physics itself. And Davies is not alone. Physicist Paul Steinhardt, who helped create the theory of inflation but later came to reject it, declared last September: “Our universe has a simple, natural structure. The multiverse idea is baroque, unnatural, untestable and, in the end, dangerous to science and society.” Steinhardt believes that the multiverse hypothesis leads science away from its task of providing a unique explanation for the properties of nature.

The problem I see with the multiverse is akin to Prof. Davies. There has to be an absolute fixed truth about our own before we could imagine there are many others. In a universe of ordered randomness, it is still ordered and ordered by someone or something. Which means that there has to be an original absolute truth or 'pattern/model'. So which is it?  There has to be an original, an absolute truth for the source of our agreement reality.

This stands true even for the atheist because why would a person who does not believe in a creator want to spend the rest of his/her life wondering if they are in the real 'world/universe' or not.  Even if they answered yes to that. They would be led down a slippery slope because how would they ever know the truth of someone else's universe if they don't know the truth of their own. 

To imagine the multiverse or let's say 'believe it' is destructive to the stability of any society. It would lead to a chaotic state of mind- collective mind. We would find ourselves in a society that constantly doubts what it is and why it is and which universe it really is in. Or assuming it is the fake one and if only we could get out of it and get to the real one. 

You see, we are back to the basis for social reality which is agreement reality. If we doubt that we are living in the absolute truth which is our universe, an absolutely created universe, we fall... and enter into a corrupted social imagination 'universe/world'.

"For in Him all things were created, things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities. All things were created through Him and for Him. He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together." COL 1:16-17. 

People who like the idea of the multiverse are really searching for the truth of their own which is (even has to be) the absolute truth.  In Him, we live, move and have our being! ~ Acts 17:28.

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Want to Learn Manipulation of the Social Imagination ~ Study Marketing!

Just watch television and see how it happens right before your very eyes...

Agreement reality is the only reality and marketers/advertisers know this. That is why there are ad campaigns. Whether the product is a manufactured over the counter, a vacation destination, the latest technology or a political candidate, it won't be a hit until there is agreement that it truly deserves to be a hit as worthwhile or worth the money.

There are advertising campaigns for industry sectors and political agendas as well. Why? Because, markets and people either have to move or be made to move in order to acquire power, prestige as in social status; and certainly to make money.  Having studied 'real' sociology and not social work, this kind of manipulation has to start from higher up vantage point as in top down social engineering or steering. Why? Because, though there are effective grass roots projects, they tend to be designated toward an egalitarian end and not a tiered structure.

In the social imagination, as we now know (having read past blogs on this site) is a social reality and the only reality we will and or can ever know. For anything to be 'real' it has to be agreed upon in the social imagination. We know now that happens in the locus of the mind (based on Cooliean sociological thought) through exchange of information and what is agreed upon is usually what is found to be common among us as 'truth' even if that 'truth' is the farthest from the truth as in the game of telephone. Why, or how could that happen if we know the truth.

Well, we don't know the truth. We know only that which has been shared starting from an absolute source and passed on down the line. The closest to the source of absolute truth has the truest information. As information is passed on it gets corrupted because this is a fallen world, its in a state of entropy. But, since we run away from entropy, we cling to whatever appears to be the truth at the moment it is received and that applies to science as well.

When someone studies marketing, they learn to manipulate the truth at hand, what is being considered the 'norm' truth or applied truth in place, the one most people are currently using. They can even use that as a base to create a 'new' truth which means only that they take what is being used and make it sound bad so that their new truth will be embraced as the truth. It sounds so deceptive and it is. It sounds so hopeless and it is in this fallen world. And, why we find ourselves at odds with agreeing on what is the absolute truth.

Doubt is the biggest problem when confronted with the absolute truth. So even if we know it/have it, we can still be led to believe something else just because we doubt what is the absolute truth. This also works to the advantage of the marketer who has had a glimpse of the absolute truth or even if not just by knowing that doubt plays a major role in any social imagination when it comes to the absolute truth can and will capitalize on doubt.

What is the best solution? Who wants to be manipulated, right? Don't we all want to believe the marketing that is out there... that it is right and true and or leads us to the truth? Yes, of course and this is how they 'get' you.