Exploring the Social Imagination

Friday, August 15, 2014

From Where does Humanism Get its Doctrine

Humanism is a progressive philosophy of life that, without theism and other supernatural beliefs, affirms our ability and responsibility to lead ethical lives of personal fulfillment that aspire to the greater good of humanity... mmm,mmm

 The above is taken from a humanist website, supposedly the above is the definition of humanism. How does such a definition come to be? Sounds pretty basic; in fact, I have read most of that in the Bible. As I write from the perspective of social imagination, it is always necessary to inform readers that the social imagination has its source as does any imagination and there is only one kind- social. Any human group on the face of the earth comes to be or recognize itself as a group through social interaction... imagining each other and each other's thought/ideas (there is no other kind of thought); because any thought/social imagination experienced by a group is from group participation and there is no other kind if you call yourself human. Hence social imagination though a result of social interaction has a beginning in a word (s) spoken and remembered and passed on. This original source of social encounter/acquisition of words that take on meaning provide a basis for continued social interaction/social imagination. Which over time can become a basis for grander ideas (stretches of the imagination) and thus produce a religious world view, in the meaning of that is how happened that we agree on that and we will continue that in this way only. Humanism has its source and can even be considered an innovation or deviation of an existing source - Christianity.

Point being, humanism is no less a religion that many religions. It cannot be without theism. Why, because most of our social imagination (in which humanism was born from) over the centuries has been the contemplation of creation and man's existence in a place. The social imagination is produced through social interaction in a place (information encountered/acquisition-ed 'acquired' ) and what comes of that social interactive experience can and most often does become a practiced custom, a tradition or institution because the social interaction (social interactive experience) n a place was successful for those people in that place. We get 'culture' in this way and we have lots of different cultures in the world, all arrived at through the process just describe. Humanist suppose that all people everywhere are the same in their place just because they are human.  And, that as you can now understand/grasp is not true. Yes, we can say that people are human but that does not mean that they share in the same 'humanness' of social interaction in a place as do others in different places. It appears that way to the American because in the United States there is a mix of people/cultures who seem to abide together regardless of differences... and that is not true either. Americans in their diversity appear to be held together not because of their humanness but because of social contract - laws which keep them from hurting each other because they do have different social interaction experiences/ cultures. The bigger question is where doe these laws come from? They come from someone's (group's) social imagination. Whose? Christians! Christianity respects the individual, as he/she is a potential virtuous person, an underdog, a hero willing to sacrifice for others. Make no mistake humanists who proclaim that  a special kind of thinking that puts humans first before him/herself...your views of selflessness are Christian. 

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