Exploring the Social Imagination

Friday, June 7, 2024

AGREEMENT REALITY IS ALL THERE IS... In the Social Imagination


Agreement reality is the place in our social imagination where the information we live. Its the abstract and invisible space/place in our heads; and, especially between us where we receive information that is either agreed on or discarded. 

There is no other place where reality as we know it is formed, processed and or exists... period! That includes everything we think exists outside of it as if it were a thing in itself; i.e. science. Science is man-made, agreed upon but only until someone disagrees and its all re-thought and agreed upon.

That which is agreed on or not is based on our existing in the social imagination where information is exchanged and processed and agreed upon; hence, agreement reality (in the social imagination). Its always up for debate so its never actually solid but fluid. And, yes... we can agree to disagree and that also figures into the agreement reality in the social imagination. 

The entire process begins from conception and continues afterwards in more temporal and even spiritual experiences; first with mother, then father and so on... Mother imparts the information agreement reality she exists in (at that time) and hopefully it is supported and or complimented by father and so on...

So many so-called educated intellectuals: scientists, philosophers, academics as well as theologians, contemplate 'reality'. Those that are scientists and or amateurs, always go for the math, the numbers, the hard core stuff in order to define reality. But, they fail to ever really find it because they agree on the wrong stuff. They fail to grasp that reality is only what we make... what we decide to agree on.

Sure, a lot of math and physics are agreed on and those agreements have supposedly gotten man a lot farther... but farther in what/where? No really anywhere ... unless we agree that farther in terms of agreement reality. 

But, essentially, we really only go farther into questioning and or doubting what is real and if that happens and it does often... then what we agreed on previously is no longer good enough. Once a theory or equation takes us to where we imagine we want to go... someone or something else comes along with a desire toward a different agreement... direction in agreement information reality. 

That 'new' direction only goes somewhere when others fall away from their previous agreements and latch onto the new ones. And, that happens only when their is a social advantage in changing agreement as in a new level of prestige or a new 'euphoric' experience in finding news ways to agree. 

If you want an illustration then think about language. In every language, there is meaning but only because there is agreement. What is agreed on? That the information shared is useful enough that we consider it as meaningful. They names and places and histories within a language are all subject to that process... information agreement reality which takes place only in the social imagination... in the mind of one and many who agree.

Reality is found everywhere for everyone in the place where you can find it... in the social imagination. Each framed by information that is either agreed on or discarded as nonsense or useless. What lasts the longest or 'seems' to work for us in the place where we are does so because its either not challenged in terms of agreement (who/why) and or it satisfies us enough that there is no need to challenge the existing agreements. 

Can what we agree on be manipulated? Yes, by those who want to change what is agreed on and supplant it with an alternate or other agreement which would suit their ability to continue to manipulate the masses thereby retaining their position of power over the ignorant masses ... this is done all the time by politicians and academics.

Jesus answered them, “This is the work of God, that you believe in him whom he has sent.” ~ John 6:29. He is the way, the truth and the life!

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